Monday, October 14, 2013

Free Ice Cream

It must be something college students love all around the world - we can't say no to free food! A couple of weeks ago, Ashley and I decided we wanted to get to know the girls we live with so we bought a bunch of ice cream and toppings, and knocked on every room in our dorm building to invite them over.

Personally, I was surprised when the first 2 girls showed up because as I was walking around people looked surprised, shocked, and confused. I heard girls talking in different languages and laughter so I didn't know what was going on or what to expect when I was in my room 15 minutes later.

This photo was taken at the end of the night but during those 90 minutes we kept our door open, over 30 girls came in and out of our dorm room. After asking a few girls, I found out people actually really appreciated how friendly (even though it was a little weird) we were! 

We shared favorite foods, places, words, fun facts - it was a good time filled with plenty of laughter. I just hope I get to spend more time with these girls and get to know them better, that this is the beginning of good friendships. 

4 of the girls in this photo are roommates and the same day of this ice cream social, 3 men broke into their dorm room and stole an iPhone. The girls are all physically okay, a hand was not laid on them; the news just gave us all a little scare. As you read this, would you please pray that we would be protected, safe, and at peace in our building? Thanks! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alejandra hope u doing fine :) im gonna miss ya! so very much!
