Monday, June 10, 2013

First Semester of Masters: Completed.

Linguistic Theory Class
A couple of years ago I would NOT have imagined myself going on towards a masters, especially not in Malaysia. Now that I'm here, I truly appreciate being able to learn something I'm interested in alongside people from Nigeria, China, The Philippines, Iran, to name a few...

It's been difficult to adapt to the expectations of my lecturers, who are much different than my professors at the University of Arizona.  Oh, and you know how some students complain about having trouble understanding professors with an accent? I never did. But it is REALLY strenuous getting together with a group of people all speaking Malaysian English (comparable to Spanglish) for hours and collaborating ideas to write a paper together. They were all lovely, intelligent ladies but oh the headaches! I was humbled by my dad when talking to him about it when he encouraged me by saying "Study hard. You only have a year to learn there and then you have to come home." My dad is awesome.

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