Monday, February 18, 2013

"You two are not American girls anymore..."

Ashley and I have been trying to get rid of bed bugs for a little over a month. We think we are at the tail end of the process. Whoo!! We had 2 fumigation treatments, were required to pack everything up and move out of our room. Finally, by order of the Orkin man or a representative of a similar company, we had to boil all of our clothing and linens. Ashley caught a picture of that action.

We haven't moved back into our room but gave it a thorough cleaning a couple of days ago. Ashley and I make an excellent team, by the way (she hates sweeping, I hate mopping). I swept underneath and behind our desk, behind our bed, and got the stuff you don't get unless you move furniture around. As I was in the sweeping zone, trying to get the dirt out of that tricky spot where the floor meets the wall, I heard a loud gasp. My first thought was, "No. No. Ashley found a bed bug in the cabinet she's cleaning. Or worse. A colony of bed bugs."  It wasn't Ashley but Zuugii, our Mongolian friend, who had been frightened. A dead roach was hanging out in my dirt pile, waiting to be picked up. When Zuugii realized I knew it was there but was finishing up my work behind our bed before I picked up the roach to throw it away, she said, " two are not American girls anymore..."

We both took it as a compliment. Of course I know we'll always be American girls but it is fun to think that at least Zuugii sees a success in our adjustment by the way we respond to cockroaches. I can't help but feel a little proud.
**Terms and conditions do apply: live roaches, especially in movement, will never cease to send a chill down my spine.