Monday, August 27, 2012

"Whether it was two days, or a month, or a longer time..."

As, I suppose, many of you know - I've finished my time at the University of Arizona.

Four years ago, the plan was to teach right after college (in an inner city school, inspiring disgruntled youth). But, things have turned out differently and I will be leaving for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on November 1st with three friends.  

Our original departure date was October 1st and it has been pushed back a month. It was hard for us hear that we were going to have to wait another month for something we were so eager for. It was hard for me not to see the news as a punishment.  After emotions passed and rational thought set in, I realized our departure date may have more to do with God's plans than my actions...

During my tawG (time alone with God) today, I read through Numbers 9:15-23. I'm so thankful for this particular explanation of God's leading, what it's like to follow Him, unsure of where He'll take us or ask us to remain on any given day. A cloud rested over the tabernacle to let His people know to stay and lifted up to let them know to set out. Verse 22 says "Whether it was two days, or a month, or a longer time that the cloud continued over the tabernacle, abiding there, the people of Israel remained in camp and did not set out." I'd like to follow the model of the Israelites who set out when they were supposed to, and camped out when they were supposed to. I pray that I will be given a joyful patience as long as God has me remain in Arizona. Lord, You are wonderful and You guide me continually. You satisfy my soul in drought.